The new vehicle is aiming for at least 75% to be invested in the energy transition and has already made three investments worth €90 million in total.
The vehicle has a $150m commitment from the Minnesota State Board of Investment and held a first close last week.
Twenty-nine investors from Europe and the Middle East contributed $2.15bn to the total over the past year-and-a-half.
The experienced infrastructure fund manager has closed its inaugural debt vehicle above target.
The Tokyo-based asset manager has secured $176m of commitments from a group of domestic investors for the new green vehicle.
Less capital was raised and fewer funds closed this year, but they packed a bigger punch than in previous years.
The firm expects the renewables-focused fund to pass its €3bn target by its March final close. It already has 29 investors from Australia, Israel, the Netherlands and Norway.
The two UK-focused funds could potentially raise nearly £3bn if hard-caps are met.
The top 50 infrastructure managers in the world are raising more money than ever, with Macquarie holding strong at the top of a $316bn cash pile.
The Montreal-based firm is expecting low-teen returns for its inaugural infra fund, targeting North and South American assets.

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