Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sollicitudin vehicula tristique. Quisque ultrices massa egestas maximus mattis. Nunc vestibulum venenatis viverra. Curabitur eget luctus elit. Duis a orci sed arcu volutpat pellentesque at sed ex. Ut a enim tempus, cursus justo sed, aliquet erat. Morbi vestibulum, neque in ullamcorper ultricies, dolor massa mollis risus, auctor scelerisque erat ante tempor lectus. Donec imperdiet malesuada bibendum.
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deal cancellation
The Mumbai-based company said the expiration of the long stop date is the reason the UK-based PE firm will not be acquiring a minority stake in the company.
Offshore wind farm is under operation.
Macquarie’s GIG and EnBW will retain 31.25% and 25%, respectively, in what will become the world’s largest offshore wind farm.

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