The fund will focus on projects in Germany and other countries in Western Europe with a comparable regulatory system and seek to generate net returns of at about 4%, although returns can reach up to at least 8% through investment in a sub-fund involving more leverage. Agloria and Universal Investment are looking to avoid projects that ‘frequently miss the forecasted results’.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ultrices id tortor nec porta. Suspendisse luctus imperdiet scelerisque. Sed tristique, felis in facilisis fermentum, purus nisl ullamcorper augue, sed viverra lacus mauris quis est. Etiam consectetur leo lacus, id imperdiet mauris iaculis sit amet. Nulla vestibulum elit vel semper venenatis. Cras tincidunt at diam id […]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sollicitudin vehicula tristique. Quisque ultrices massa egestas maximus mattis. Nunc vestibulum venenatis viverra. Curabitur eget luctus elit. Duis a orci sed arcu volutpat pellentesque at sed ex. Ut a enim tempus, cursus justo sed, aliquet erat. Morbi vestibulum, neque in ullamcorper ultricies, dolor massa mollis risus, auctor scelerisque erat ante tempor lectus. Donec imperdiet malesuada bibendum.
The fund will focus on projects in Germany and other countries in Western Europe with a comparable regulatory system and seek to generate net returns of at about 4%, although returns can reach up to at least 8% through investment in a sub-fund involving more leverage. Agloria and Universal Investment are looking to avoid projects that ‘frequently miss the forecasted results’.
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